How do I add and playback video files?
We support video playback capability so you can incorporate watching screen capture recordings as part of your evalua...
How to add multiple evaluations to a conversation
What is the multiple evaluation functionality? This functionality gives you the ability to carry out several evaluati...
How do I award (or remove) a badge (BETA)
Please note: this feature is currently in BETA. Badges are a great way to recognise agents who have gone the extra m...
How do I manually create and assign a contact to evaluate?
Navigation prompt Go to EVALUATE > Click Add a contact to evaluate By following the navigation prompt, you'll be...
How do I enable Agents to self-evaluate and/or calibrate?
Why do it? Empowering agents to occasionally evaluate one of their own contacts is a great way to engage those team m...
How do I evaluate a contact?
Step 1: Select a contact to evaluate If you want to dive straight in and start evaluating contacts, you can very quic...
How do I evaluate an end-to-end Customer Experience (CX)?
Introduction Our Customer Experience (CX) feature enables you to measure the performance of end-to-end customer exper...
How do I delete or re-assign a contact?
Navigation prompt Go to EVALUATE > click Contacts to evaluate By following the navigation prompt, you'll be ta...