How to bulk activate pending users
Pending User Concepts Before diving into the process of activating pending users, it is perhaps useful to clarify som...
How do I add a user to another Contract?
Navigation Go to USER MANAGEMENT > Add & Edit Users From the Add & Edit Users page you will see a list of the u...
How do I add a new user?
Navigation prompt Go to USER MANAGEMENT > Click Add & edit users > click the button + ADD USER After clicking th...
How do I select what parts of the structure/org-chart a user can access in reports / tables?
What is Reporting Access? When it comes to reports (including the dashboard), you need to select what parts of the st...
How do I add/bulk-upload multiple users at the same time?
Navigation prompt Go to USER MANAGEMENT > click Add & Edit users > click the button, Bulk Upload users to revea...
How do I edit a user's profile?
Navigation Go to USER MANAGEMENT > click Add & Edit users > Click Edit on the relevant user This will display th...
How do I move an agent from one team to another?
Navigation Go to USER MANAGEMENT > click Add & Edit Users > Click EDIT on the user you wish to move. revea...
How do I de-activate/re-activate a user?
Navigation prompt Go to USER MANAGEMENT > click Add & edit users From here, you can deactivate a user by clickin...
How do I view a user's permissions?
Navigation Go to USER MANAGEMENT > click Add & Edit users From here, click the menu on the end of the row of th...