Set Up Your Gamification Environment
The Community Gamification features create an exciting environment for your team in their pursuit of better conversat...
Community Gamification FAQ
These FAQs cover various aspects of your Community Gamification environment, from profiles and leaderboards to auctio...
Community Gamification Settings
The Community Gamification settings allow administrators to configure and manage various aspects of your gamified env...
Community Engagement Report
In this guide, we'll walk you through the capabilities of our Engagement report, a valuable tool for managers to gain...
Community Auctions
Auction Listings The Auction Listings are your gateway to discovering and participating in auctions. Auctions are whe...
Community Leaderboard
The Leaderboard feature is where the excitement of competition comes to life. Here, you can track your team's progres...
Community Profile
The Community Profile page is the central hub for you, a team member, to personalise your experience and engage in fr...
Introducing Community Gamification
We are introducing the exciting world of Community gamification within EvaluAgent! Take your conversation quality ini...