Everything you need to know about third-party platform integrations, SFTP, filtering imported contacts and our API
How do I set up user sync for Intercom?
What is User sync? User sync is a powerful feature designed to seamlessly import and periodically update user data fr...
How do I set up user sync with Zendesk?
How do I set up the Assembled integration?
Navigation prompt Go to CONVERSATIONS > Click Integrations > Click the WFM Integrations tab > Select Assembled ...
Getting Started with the manual conversation import feature
In this guide, you will learn about the manual conversation import feature and how to use it to import conversations ...
How do I view Conversation Sentiment? [BETA]
Sentiment Analytics - [BETA] Good to know... For interested parties, we're delighted to now offer Sentiment Analysis ...
How do I filter imported contacts?
Navigation prompt Go to CONVERSATIONS > Click Imported contacts & filters Once your contacts are being importe...
How do I view the distribution of meta-data linked to my imported contacts?
Navigation prompt Go to CONVERSATIONS > Click Imported contacts & filters > Click the Insights tab
How do I select which meta-data tags I see in EvaluAgent?
Navigation prompt Go to CONVERSATIONS > Click Imported contacts & filters Typically, contacts imported from a co...
How do I redact sensitive personal data in tickets?
Navigation prompt Go to CONVERSATIONS > Click Entities & Redaction The Entities & Redaction feature is designe...
How do I set up the Five9 ARU integration?
Five9 ARU requirements: To set up the FIve9 ARU integration, the following is required: A valid Five9 account with...
How do I integrating with Zendesk Chat?
To integrate Zendesk Chat successfully with the EvaluAgent platform a customer will need to have an enterprise subscr...
How do I integrate with RingCentral?
Navigation prompt Go to CONVERSATIONS > Click Integrations > Click the Platforms tab > Select the RingCentral tile...
How to set up the Freshservice integration
Navigation prompt Go to CONVERSATIONS > Click Integrations > Click the Platforms tab > Select the Freshservice til...
How do I integrate with Talkdesk
Navigation prompt Go to CONVERSATIONS > Click Integrations > Click the Platforms tab > Select the Talkdesk tile ...
How do I set up the Five9(VCC) integration?
Navigation prompt Go to CONVERSATIONS > Click Integrations > Click the Platforms tab > Select Five9 Five9 In...
How to generate an SSH key
This is a guide on how to generate SSH keys on Windows, Mac & Linux Machines. ______________________________________...
How to set up the bulk upload integration to import calls (SFTP version 2)
In this guide, you will learn how to configure the bulk upload integration and how to upload conversations into evalu...
How do I allow users to upload & attach calls or tickets to evaluations?
Navigation prompt Go to CONVERSATIONS > Click Integrations > Click the File upload tab By following the navigati...
How do I set-up SFTP to import calls and/or tickets ?
The EvaluAgent API
API documentation Link your BA platform(s) to fetch EvaluAgent data by connecting to the EvaluAgent API. Populate yo...