Article's on managing your Organisation Structure, Users, Roles & Permissions.
How do I set up my structure/org-chart?
Navigation prompt Go to USER MANAGEMENT > Click Structure When you first enter this part of the system during th...
How do I edit my structure/org chart?
Navigation prompt Go to USER MANAGEMENT > click Structure From here, you can edit your structure/org-chart at an...
Building a SmartGroup as a Custom Reporting Group
A SmartGroup is a custom reporting group that will automatically populate your reporting group with agents based on a...
Building a Manual Custom Reporting Group
A manual custom reporting group will enable you to report on a selected group of agents across different teams or dep...
What is a Custom Reporting Group
The Custom Reporting Groups feature enables you to report on the performance of groups of agents selected from anywhe...
How do I add/edit/delete roles & permissions?
Navigation prompt Go to USER MANAGEMENT > Click Roles & permissions From here, you can edit role titles, configu...
How do I assign/un-assign roles & permissions to a user?
There are two options available for assigning roles and permissions to users. Option 1: Assign multiple users to a ro...
Roles & Permissions explained
How it all works Firstly, the platform enables you to configure Roles and, to help you get started, there are five de...
How to bulk activate pending users
Pending User Concepts Before diving into the process of activating pending users, it is perhaps useful to clarify som...
How do I add a user to another Contract?
Navigation Go to USER MANAGEMENT > Add & Edit Users From the Add & Edit Users page you will see a list of the u...
How do I add a new user?
Navigation prompt Go to USER MANAGEMENT > Click Add & edit users > click the button + ADD USER After clicking th...
How do I select what parts of the structure/org-chart a user can access in reports / tables?
What is Reporting Access? When it comes to reports (including the dashboard), you need to select what parts of the st...
How do I add/bulk-upload multiple users at the same time?
Navigation prompt Go to USER MANAGEMENT > click Add & Edit users > click the button, Bulk Upload users to revea...
How do I edit a user's profile?
Navigation Go to USER MANAGEMENT > click Add & Edit users > Click Edit on the relevant user This will display th...