By following the navigation prompt, you'll be directed to the following screen
You can edit every part of a Draft scorecard. Simply click to View the relevant scorecards
Click one of the links on the scorecard to edit the relevant part. Here, you can:
- (a) Delete the scorecard
- (b) Edit scorecard details
- (c) Move sections
- (d) Move line items
- (e) Edit line items
- (f) Delete line items
- (g) Edit sections
- (h) Delete sections
Notes about editing Active and Inactive scorecards
Once a scorecard is published and becomes active, to ensure reporting integrity, it is not possible to edit most parts of the scorecard. By the same token, inactive scorecards that have evaluations saved against them cannot be edited.
The one exception is guidelines - these can be edited on active scorecards. However, please be aware that all edits you make to guidelines will be reflected on previously completed evaluations as well as future evaluations. So, if planned edits to guidelines would materially change how a line item is to be scored, then we would advise you to duplicate and then quickly edit the duplicate scorecard in order to create a brand new version controlled copy of the original scorecard.
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