What is Reporting Access?
When it comes to reports (including the dashboard), you need to select what parts of the structure/org-chart a user has access to in terms of performance data.
For example, the Customer Service Director may be granted access to the highest level of the structure, enabling him/her to view performance at every level - from a summary of all performance data down to the performance of an individual agent (and all levels in between).
On the other hand, if an agent is granted access to the system, he/she is only initially granted permission to access their own performance data by default. Of course, if an agent is "acting up" for a period to look after the team (perhaps whilst the team leader is on holiday), he/she may be temporarily assigned permission to access the team's performance.
From here, you can assign Reporting Access to a user. This is easily done by clicking into the menu on the row of the user whose profile you wish to edit and then clicking Edit...
...to reveal the user profile screen. At the bottom, you can assign Reporting Access
Please Note: If you've only assigned the Agent role to the user, then you won't be prompted to set this parameter - In order to protect data-privacy, agents only ever see their own data in the dashboard and reports and this default-level of access is automatically set by the system.
However, if you've assigned a non-Agent role, then the system will prompt you to assign Reporting Access to the user. Simply select the highest reporting level that you'd like this user to have access to. They will be able to see all reporting levels underneath your selection.
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