Please note Feedback is not available for the Starter Plan. By following the navigation prompt, you'll be directed to the following screen.
This report is controlled by the reporting-level access assigned to your profile. So for example, if you have been granted full access to all reporting levels, in the Hierarchical view mode you'll enter the report at the top level and be able to click down all the way to individual agents.
In Agent view mode you'll see all agents on the account.
In Team view mode, you'll see all teams on the account.
In Custom reporting view mode, you'll have access to all of your assigned custom reporting groups.
In Non-agent view, you'll see a list of all managers
If you're an agent, you'll only see a detailed analysis and list of your own feedback.
Detailed Analysis
From any level in the report, you can access the following detailed analysis screen by clicking the magnifying glass at the end of the row you wish to explore further. As an agent you'll be taken to this screen filtered solely on your own feedback.
Here you can view and analyse all elements of the filtered feedback.
Click on a sentiment, acknowledged status, or word in the chart to filter your results in the table. Click again to un-filter.
Delete Feedback
Users assigned the permission to delete feedback will see the trash icon enabling them to delete feedback generated in error.
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