After clicking the button, the Add User window will appear (shown below)
Forename and Surname: If you have two users with exactly the same name, we would advise adding a number after each user's surname to help identify each user within the reports. E.g. John Smith1.
Email Address: We always recommend adding an email address for each user and using it as the Username. By adding an email address, it will also allow users who forget their passwords to request a password reset email.
If a user doesn't have an email address assigned to them the self-service password reset functionality is unavailable and the user will need to contact an administrator to perform the reset.
EvaluAgent Username: This is a unique identifier for the user and we strongly recommend using the Email Address as a username.
System Access: As part of your EvaluAgent plan, you are allocated licenses that allow users to log into EvaluAgent. If you would like the user your creating to be able to access EvaluAgent select the Yes option.
If you'd like to create the user but not allow them access, select the No option. If you select No, they will not be sent an invite to join your EvaluAgent account.
Assigning the Agent Role: The Agent role includes a number of unique hard-coded permissions. For example, you can only evaluate users that have been assigned the Agent role.
If you assign the Agent role to a user, the Team Selection dropdown will appear and you will be prompted to assign the user to a team. Simply click into the drop-down box and select one of the active teams available in your structure/org-chart.
This allows the system to link an agent's performance to a specific part of the structure/org-chart enabling hierarchical performance reporting.
If you only assign the Agent role to a user, they will only ever see their own data in reports.
Assigning other Role(s): The system offers a number of default roles and each of these roles has a set of associated permissions. For example, the default administrator role has permissions to access all parts of the system, but the agent role has limited permissions.
Here, you can assign one or more of those roles to a user to give the user the required level of system access permissions.
This approach gives you maximum flexibility and consistency by assigning permissions via a limited group of roles rather than by assigning varied combinations of permissions directly to each user.
Once the roles and permissions are defined, you simply add a role or roles to a given user and they are automatically assigned the permissions associated with the assigned role(s). If you change the permissions for a specific role, the permissions of all users with that role will automatically have their permissions updated.
Assign Reporting Access: In order to protect data-privacy, agents only ever see their own data in the dashboard and reports and this default-level of access is automatically set by the system. However, if you've assigned a non-Agent role, then the system will prompt you to assign Reporting Access to the user.
When it comes to reports (including the dashboard), you need to select what parts of the structure/org-chart a user has access to in terms of performance data.
For example, the Customer Service Director may be granted access to the highest level of the structure, enabling him/her to view performance at every level - from a summary of all performance data down to the performance of an individual agent (and all levels in between)
Remember - only users assigned the Agent role can be evaluated. Therefore, if for example your team leaders or any other users handle customer interactions (and have a sample of those contacts evaluated) then you simply need to assign the agent role in addition to any other role(s) they may be assigned.
Advanced Settings
For more detailed user profile options, click on the Advanced settings at the bottom of the form;
This will switch to a separate view in the same modal with some additional options;
Third-Party System Username: Typically agent's will log into your telephony or customer contact management system and have a unique code to access those systems. It's an optional field, but if you choose to integrate EvaluAgent with a third party system and the username for the third party system is different to the username you've used for EvaluAgent then, by entering the third-party system username here, we'll be able to link users very easily between the two systems.
If you have used the same Username in both systems, or you have no need to integrate systems together, then you don't need to add anything here.
Employment Start Date: This is an optional field and defaults to the date you create the agent.
Assign Custom Reporting Access: By assigning Custom Reporting Access, a user will have reporting access to that group.
Authentication method: This allows you to choose a password login or Single sign-on (SSO) if this is enabled on your EvaluAgent platform.
Filter Access: With filter access restrictions, you can exclude evaluations from this users' reporting results. In the above example, a user can be restricted from viewing evaluations with certain data capture responses.
A user with filter access restrictions applied to their account will see this warning on any restricted page:
Report filters will also carry the same warning, with the Data Capture Response disabled for selection:
Once you've entered all of the relevant details, simply click the Create user button to add the user to the system.
Once the profile has been created the user's Account Status will be set to Active and their details will appear in the user table. If the user has been granted system access, they will then experience the user invite process
Alternatively, if you wish to add more than one user at a time, you can add multiple users via our Bulk-upload users function. We also provide the ability for your to provision users using the SCIM protocol.
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