By following the navigation prompt, you'll be directed to the following screen.
For Integrations with third-party platforms that don't offer an API, we offer the "Bulk File Upload" (SFTP) integration whereby you can automate a secure overnight upload of calls or contacts to EvaluAgent.
Uploading files to our Bulk File integration requires the use of Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). This protocol allows the server on your side (where the files are stored) to securely connect and upload files to our server over an encrypted connection. When the files reach EvaluAgent's storage location they will be automatically encrypted.
Getting started
On pressing the Setup link, you'll be redirected to a page that contains a simple application form:
We need some contact details and request that you upload a sample of the CSV file format that contains your call (meta) data. This is typically the file that is returned from your call-recording / contact management platform when you select to export calls / contacts.
Every call-recording / contact management system is slightly different in terms of exporting data and we'd direct you to the help guides of the third-party system for more information on how to export calls / contacts / recordings.
Word of warning: some of the old-school systems (you know who they are!) like to hold your data to ransom, and make it really difficult or expensive to get access to your data so before you waste too much time, it's advisable to confirm you can bulk-export records before spending any time working out how to import them.
As part of completing the form above, we'd also recommend that you upload a sample of a call recording if you plan to upload and connect a recording to each call record.
We've tried to keep the process as simple and flexible as possible and we can process most file formats. However, as a minimum, your CSV file of call / contact records will need to contain the following columns. The file may contain additional columns, but without the columns listed below, we won't have the information we need to present calls / contacts in the imported contacts table in EvaluAgent and link them up to agents in the EvaluAgent platform.
Required columns in your CSV file (to be added to the CSV in the original order agreed at the point of setup
Once you've completed the form and attached your sample CSV (plus a sample Audio File if you're planning on uploading recordings) the request will be submitted to our Customer Success team who will contact you to discuss the request. It is important to note that once we have configured the system based on the sample file provided, all future uploads need to be submitted using the same template in order to match the configurations set up within EvaluAgent.
Next Steps: Completing the set-up process
Once we've configured your account, we'll provide you with the details of how to connect to our SFTP server. These details will include the following:
- Host name (this is the URL of our SFTP server)
- Username (this is unique to you)
- SSH key-pair (if you wish us to generate this for you). Alternatively you can generate your own and send to us. For maximum security and peace of mind, EvaluAgent's SSH key-pairs are generated using the SHA256 algorithm.
Completing the set-up process will likely require some technical effort on your side. This work typically involves you either establishing an automatic or manual process that enables you to transfer files to our SFTP server at a regular frequency.
Our SFTP servers are hosted by AWS. For guidance on how to transfer files using AWS SFTP, click here
Data storage and Archiving Rules
We process, store, and present call / contact records and any recordings securely within the EvaluAgent platform. As with all data held in EvaluAgent - it's secure - any files uploaded to our SFTP service are also automatically encrypted whilst at rest using the industry best-practice standard - AES256 encryption.
Our archiving rules help you manage imported contacts and any associated data that is imported into EvaluAgent.
Any contacts that are not evaluated after a defined period of time will be deleted from EvaluAgent (including any associated audio/screen recordings). This period is set by configuring the rule; Delete non-evaluated contacts after X days.
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