As a client-focused SaaS business, we pride ourselves on using client feedback to inform and influence our product roadmap.
Submitting new ideas and comments
We love hearing from you! Whether you have a brand-new idea or want to chime in on existing ones, our product portal is your go-to place to see what's under consideration for the 12 months ahead. You can access the portal from the 'Latest updates & feedback' section in your user settings menu.
We'll continue to keep this portal up to date with nearly everything we're thinking about building in the year ahead.
You can click into each card to read more about the idea, leave your own comments or up-vote the idea.
If you can't find what you're looking for, in the top right of your screen you'll see the option to submit a new idea
How evaluagent Reviews Ideas and Prioritizes Them
While we can't build everything, and nor would you want us to, we aim to process every new suggestion within 10 working days. Below is an outline of what you can expect in from the process:
The Initial Feedback Process
Any suggestions you submit will be reviewed by a member of our product team within 10 days. After review, we may:
Add your suggestion to an existing idea within the portal
Please note: you may not see this, but it will be taken under consideration at the Refinement Gathering stage
Adopt it as a new idea for consideration
Or defer it for now.
If your suggestion is added as a new idea, a card will be created on the portal and published within 7 days, but it’s important to note that this doesn’t guarantee the idea will be added to our roadmap.
Initiatives + Ideas Considered
Ahead of our teams Quarterly Roadmap Planning session, we evaluate all the ideas on the Portal, and from our internal teams, using a
Value/Effort Prioritization Technique:
Value: How much impact will this idea have, and does it align with our vision for the future?
Effort: What resources are required to build the idea, and how long will it take?
The ideas with the highest combined score will be added to our 12+ month roadmap where it will go through the Product Development Process.
During the Solution Design and Refinement stages of the process, we also use a nifty method called MOSCOW (Must haves, Should haves, Could haves and Won't Haves Right Now) to prioritise each requirement within the idea to ensure we focus on the features that will have the biggest impact.
At this stage, we can confirm the exact features that will and won't be included in the release.
What does the development cycle look like?
Once we have designed a solution, its time for our engineering teams to get to work. Once the code has been written, reviewed and Quality checked, it's time for release. Releases can come in several shapes and sizes so we'll make it clear as part of our release notes if the feature is available for everyone, or selected account as part of a gradual rollout.
As ideas progress, we'll continually add updates to their Portal card so you can stay in the loop with developments.
How can you interact more with the Product Team?
In addition to this portal, please keep an eye out for invites to our Quarterly Product Webinar where we'll be showing off some new features, and discussing what's coming next!
Our Quarterly Product Webinar is a great way to see demos of new features, ask questions and maybe get a sneak peek of what's cooking before anyone else.
Top Tips for Submitting Great Ideas
To help your ideas gain traction and potentially make it into our development cycle:
Be Specific: Clearly describe the problem you're trying to solve or the opportunity you see.
Provide Context: Explain how this feature would benefit your workflow and potentially others.
Quantify the Impact: If possible, estimate how much time or resources this feature could save. Here we're really looking for help to understand the value behind the idea
Engage with Existing Ideas: Before submitting, check if a similar idea exists and add your perspective to it.
Establish an internal product owner: Nominate someone to be the voice of your business so our team understand what's most important to your business as a whole vs. individual preferences.
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