You can limit users from seeing a scorecard and the associated results by restricting scorecard visibility based on a user role.
Updating settings

How does this apply?
Given a user's role has been added to the 'hide results from' section of a scorecard this means that;
- The scorecard will not appear in any scorecard filters across the platform
- Evaluations against that scorecard will not be seen
- And results from these scorecards will be excluded from reports and dashboard widgets
Scorecard visibility FAQs
- Can I edit the roles I've hidden my scorecards from after a scorecard is active?
- Yes, when editing the scorecards you can add and remove roles from an active scorecard.
- If you remove a role to no longer hide results from those users all related reporting data will be visible, historic and future evaluations.
- If you add a role to have scorecard results hidden from, then all related reporting data will be hidden, including historic and future evaluations.
- What happens if I create a new role, and that role hasn’t been excluded. Will they see all the historic results?
- Yes, if you create a new role and have not excluded this role from viewing the results of a given scorecard then they can view the related reporting data this includes historic and future data.
- If you want this data to be hidden you can add the new role to hide results from section to hide historic and future reporting data by editing the scorecard.
- How will hiding scorecard results from a role impact dashboards for those users?
- Data within the dashboards will exclude the results from scorecards a user has results hidden from. This means the dashboard info could vary between 2 users if their roles have different scorecard access.
For example;
A contract has 2 scorecards set up Complaints and Customer services. During a given reporting period there are 10 evaluations on the Complaints scorecard and 5 on the Customer services.
User A has no roles with visibility hidden - so on the dashboard showing total evaluations User A will see 15 evaluations
User B's role has visibility hidden from the Customer services scorecard. So the total evaluations section on the dashboard will show 10 evaluations. This user can see the total evaluations of the complaints scorecard but the number of evaluations on the customer services scorecard is hidden and so does not count toward the total evaluations they can see.
- Data within the dashboards will exclude the results from scorecards a user has results hidden from. This means the dashboard info could vary between 2 users if their roles have different scorecard access.
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