Pending User Concepts
Before diving into the process of activating pending users, it is perhaps useful to clarify some of the concepts around pending users, what they are, how they are linked to the EvaluAgent platform and what activation means.
What is a pending user?
Pending users are users that have been connected to the EvaluAgent platform via a third party system using technologies such as System for Cross-Domain Identity Management (SCIM).
Pending users do not consume an EvaluAgent user licence and have no roles, permissions or login access assigned. They therefore can not log into and use the EvaluAgent platform until they have been activated.
Pending user validation
When a pending user is connected to the EvaluAgent platform they will require two critical data fields.
- The name of the user (does not need to be unique)
- The username the user will be identified as - normally an email address. This must be unique for within your account, across both pending and active users
- Additionally you can provide a 3rd party system ID - this is optional but helpful to enable you to tie back your EvaluAgent user to your third party systems.
What does the activation process do?
Activation of pending users will move them from a pending state into an active state. This means that the users will be:
- Assigned a role or roles
- Assigned a team or reporting level
- Be given permissions to login to the EvaluAgent platform
All activated users will consume a user licence.
Activating Pending Users
Selecting Users
To select the users you wish to activate, simply tick the box next to the users name in the list of users. You can select any number of users individually or select all users in the list by ticking the box next to 'Name' in the table header.
What users can you select?
You must select users for activation who will have the same role and same team, for example all agents who will be added to team 'Blue'. You cannot mix roles or teams within the same activation batch.
Current Plan Validation
Once you have selected your users for activation you will see the number of selected users shown in the highlighted bar above the table. A message will also be displayed to validate whether adding this number of users to your plan is within the current plan licence limits.
The above screenshot shows that the number of selected users would breach the current plan level
If your activation selection exceeds your plan licence limit, then you will not be able to proceed with the activation until you have reduced the selection so that you are within your plan limit.
Click the 'Activate' link once you are ready to proceed.
Configuring Users for Activation
When you click activate, a slide out will appear enabling you to being configuring your selected batch of users for activation.
Step 1 - Allocating Roles
The first step is to select 1 or more roles for your selected users. The roles are accessed via a drop-down menu. This is a mandatory field and no user can be activated without a role being assigned.
The roles you select from the drop-down list will be applied to all selected users and reflect all the default roles provided and any custom roles you may have created previously within the EvaluAgent platform.
Step 2 - Assigning Teams / Reporting Levels
Once you have selected the role(s) for your users, you will need to either assign your selected users to a team or determine their reporting access. This is a mandatory field and no user can be activated without a either a team or reporting access being set.
This choice is controlled by what type of role(s) you select.
- Selecting only agent (or equivalent) role - choose which team these agents will be assigned too
- Selecting any non-agent roles (e.g. Team Leader) - choose what level or reporting access they will have
Note: Reporting access determines what level of reporting the selected role will have access to. For example a team leader may only be given reporting access to their own team, so can see reporting and performance for any agents in their team but not in other teams or higher in the business hierarchy.
Step 3 - Employee Start Date
Next you can set an employee start date for all your selected users. This is an optional field but can be used within EvaluAgent to create SmartGroups (custom reporting groups based on conditions) that allow you so report on new starters whose employee start date is within the last x days/weeks/months for example.
The choices available are:
- Leave the default entry - which will always be the current date
- Clear the field and leave it blank
- Click into the field and select your own preferred employee start date
All selected users will be tagged with the same employee start date, however this can be edited once the users have been activated.
Step 4 - Login Activated
By default all selected users once activated will be able to login to the EvaluAgent platform. You can however choose to activate users with this setting set to 'No'. This will activate the user but not allow them to login until the setting has been changed.
Once you have completed the configuration of your users, click the Review button to continue.
Reviewing your activation
The final step before your users are activated is to review your configuration choices.
A summary of your user activation will be shown.
Click 'Activate' to being the complete the activation of your selected users or 'Back' to return to the configuration options to make changes.
Once activate has been triggered the workflow will complete another validation check to ensure that your selected users can be activated. If any issues are identified a helpful warning indicator will be displayed.
Successfully activated users will be removed from the 'Pending Users' tab and are now available under the 'Active Users' tab.
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