As an extra level of protection for your company data you can control and audit when EvaluAgent can access your tenant.
Users with the General Permissions > can Grant Support Access permission can grant EvaluAgent audited access to your company tenant data.
By following the navigation prompt, you'll be directed to the following screen
Here you can Grant Access using the button to switch the feature on.
And Revoke Access using the button to switch the feature off.
A new permission has been created under the 'General Permissions' section called 'can Grant Support Access'.
Please Note: All Administrator profiles will be updated to include the new permission however you may want to identify additional roles and users within your company who can approve EvaluAgent access to your company data.
When an EvaluAgent Support member accesses your contract the reason for access will be recorded upon login, this would typically include a support ticket reference. The captured information is then available for review within the Audit Logs and by default, every session is audited and accessible under Reporting > Audit Log.
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